Company Mission Statement

Company Mission Statement

Our overall mission statement is to set the standard for quality in the Plastic Injection Moulding industry throughout the world while supplying the highest standards in the areas of:

-Customer's satisfaction
-Competitive price
-Ethical conduct

We believe this mission can be accomplished best by recognizing and meeting our primary responsibilities to our customers, company members, suppliers, and community allies.

To WLR's Customers:

WLR-Mould Limited is committed to providing high-quality Plastic Injection Molding products that meet customer needs and requirements. We recognize that the quality of our moulds and moulding has a powerful impact on our customers' business and reputation. Consequently, we will continuously strive to improve our operations in order to deliver safe, effective, and timely molding products that meet the quality anticipations of our customers.

To WLR's Company Members:

WLR-Mould will guarantee a cooperative partnership among all members of WLR-Mould Limited built upon a structure of mutual trust, respect, honor and equal opportunity employment. We are dedicated to selecting qualified, team oriented people and providing them with the most challenging work in a safe, open, and participatory environment. We will search for finding the best solutions to problems and methods of making improvements at the tool shop. We will share information, resources, and ideas, and we will build the qualifications necessary to maintain an extremely exciting work environment where decisions are made at the lowest appropriate level. Workers will be actively encouraged to make proposals for improving our operations and comprehensive quality of work life.

To WLR's Suppliers:

WLR Mould is committed to developing cooperative relationship with our suppliers and other business partners by guiding our affairs in a equitable and unprejudiced manner. Our business dealings will focus on recognizing critical mutual advantages including quality control, competitive cost, timely delivery, and continuous improvement.

To WLR's Community:

WLR firmly believes that a principal factor to our future success and security is the spirit and cultural of our community. Accordingly, we are committed to acting as a responsible corporate citizen by strongly supporting attempts concerned with the health of our regional community, environment, and society as a whole.

Above all, WLR-Mould Ltd. will be sincere in its dealings with customers, company members, and community efforts. All business-related activities will be conducted with the utmost morality to ensure that all parties are treated in an ethical.